Marketing Goals

By Skyword Staff on November 29, 2016

Marketing goals are specific objectives described in a marketing plan. These goals can be tasks, quotas, improvements in KPIs, or other performance-based benchmarks used to measure marketing success. When explicitly set, measurable goals are key for marketers to be successful.

Some examples of marketing goals include:

  1. Building brand awareness
  2. Generating a high volume of qualified leads
  3. Establishing thought leadership
  4. Attributing marketing activities to revenue generation
  5. Increasing brand engagement

Measuring your marketing goals

Once you have your goals, don’t forget that measurement is key. Do this yearly, quarterly, weekly, and get your entire team involved. Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which provide metrics to evaluate success factors enabling you to track progress.

You can also create custom goals in Google Analytics to fit your company’s unique needs. Tracking how each marketing campaign or piece of content contributed to these custom goals empowers you with the right data to prove and improve your marketing strategy.


Skyword Staff